Week FOUR: Day 2
The character-trait-of-the-day everyday of this workout is PERSEVERENCE.
Today’s Workout…get after it!
The Warm-up: (See warm-up post for details)
Low dribble figure-8s to the R
Low dribble figure-8s to the L
Standing hamstring stretch - R
Standing hamstring stretch - L
Side lunge ball wraps - R
Side lunge ball wraps - L
Ball-to-ground squat jumps
Deep squat groin stretch
Pistol Pete BTL ball slams
Basketball push-ups
Dribble sit-ups R hand
Dribble sit-ups L hand
The 1st Half: Assault bike or Stationary bike Intervals
15 min of hard intervals: 15 sec of all-out effort followed by 45 sec of moderate pace
Halftime: Core work
(See Round 1 Halftime post for details)
30 seconds each exercise.
Plank hold
Cobra stretch
Plank toe-touches
Downward dog
Plank shoulder taps
Hollow hold
Bicycle crunches
Flutter kicks
The 2nd Half: Chest, traps, and legs
Superset: 4 sets x 25 reps
Chest fly machine
Reverse fly machine
Giant set: 4 sets of 15-20 reps
DB pause flat bench press - alternating arms (at least 10 reps each arm)
DB suitcase deadlift touching butt to the bench
DB elbow out row
Seated DB shrug
Superset: 4 sets of 20-25 reps
BB flat bench press
DB coffin press
Century Set - 100 reps total, perform max reps, then pause for a rest and repeat until you reach 100 reps:
Smith machine 2-foot calf raises
*New - after you reach 100 reps do 2-foot lateral line jumps 50 times
Drop set: for at least 5 drops, pushing to failure (go for 10-15 reps, then drop wt, another 10-15, drop again, etc)
Wide-grip seated cable rows
Cable squat/row
Cable flys high to low