Week TWO: Day 5
The character-trait-of-the-day everyday of this workout is PERSEVERENCE.
Today’s Workout…get after it!
The Warm-up: (See warm-up post for details)
Low dribble figure-8s to the R
Low dribble figure-8s to the L
Standing hamstring stretch - R
Standing hamstring stretch - L
Side lunge ball wraps - R
Side lunge ball wraps - L
Ball-to-ground squat jumps
Deep squat groin stretch
Pistol Pete BTL ball slams
Basketball push-ups
Dribble sit-ups R hand
Dribble sit-ups L hand
The 1st Half: Jump rope
Halftime: Core work
(See Round 1 Halftime post for details)
30 seconds each exercise.
Plank hold
Cobra stretch
Plank toe-touches
Downward dog
Plank shoulder taps
Hollow hold
Bicycle crunches
Flutter kicks
The 2nd Half: Plyometrics
Here are 10 different plyometric exercises to help increase your speed and vertical leap. Try to do them with as little rest in between as possible to also increase your stamina.
(1) Box drops 2 sets x 5 reps
Step off of a plyo box and land softly in an athletic defensive stance position (more of a squatting position than above)
(2) Two-foot approach box jumps - R, L, jump 2 sets x 5 reps
(See below)
(3) Two-foot approach box jumps - L, R, jump 2 sets x 5 reps
Ok, so you’re not going to be able to jump this high, but watch his feet on the approach, he plants left, then right, then jumps
Notice the footwork on each of these jumps, either a right-foot, left-foot approach to a 2-foot Jump or it’s L, R, Jump. Practice this on your approach 2-foot box jumps.
(4) Box depth jumps 2 sets x 5 reps
These are true plyometric jumps where you stretch the muscles and rebound into a contraction by landing from stepping off the box in an athletic position and immediately jumping as high as possible.
(5) One-and-a-half-squat box jump 2 sets x 5 reps
(Perform a bodyweight squat down until knees are 90 degrees,
then come halfway up, drop back down,
then explode up into a jump up onto the box.)
This plyometric drill is more than just the simple box jump seen above.
(6) Lunge jumps 2 sets x 20 reps
(Jumping from right to left, back to right is one rep, or
go to 40 if you are counting every time you hit the ground.)
(7) Skater lunges 2 sets x 20 reps
Yeah, do these. Great for defensive quickness.
(8) One-foot lateral jumps 2 sets x 20 reps
Even better if you can jump over a box or bench landing and jumping on one leg.
(9) Lateral karaoke to the R then the L sideline-to-sideline x 2
Karaoke cross-over run from one sideline to the other sideline and back.
(10) Squat jump countdown
(killer end to a workout)
Bodyweight squat 10 times, exploding into a jump on the last squat;
Then squat 9 times, jumping as high as you can on the last rep;
Then 8 squats, jump;
7 squats, jump;
6 squats, jump;
5 squats, jump;
4 squats, jump;
3 squats, jump;
2 squats, jump;
1 squats, jump;