Week FOUR: Day 4

The character-trait-of-the-day everyday of this workout is PERSEVERENCE.

Today’s Workout…get after it!

The Warm-up: (See warm-up post for details)

  1. Low dribble figure-8s to the R

  2. Low dribble figure-8s to the L

  3. Standing hamstring stretch - R

  4. Standing hamstring stretch - L

  5. Side lunge ball wraps - R

  6. Side lunge ball wraps - L

  7. Ball-to-ground squat jumps

  8. Deep squat groin stretch

  9. Pistol Pete BTL ball slams

  10. Basketball push-ups

  11. Dribble sit-ups R hand

  12. Dribble sit-ups L hand

The 1st Half: Push-ups/Pull-ups

First superset: 4 sets

  • Feet elevated push-ups x 25 reps

  • Feet elevated lying pull-up (inverted row) x 25 reps

Second superset: 3 sets

  • Bench plyo push-ups x 20 reps

  • Sitting pull-up x 15 reps

Third superset: 3 sets

  • Dive bomber push-ups x 15 reps

  • Band-assisted pull-ups x 10 reps

Fourth superset: go to failure, record your results, THEN DO IT AGAIN! 2 sets each!!!

  • Close-hand push-ups

  • Close-hand pull-ups

Fifth superset: go to failure, record your results, THEN DO IT AGAIN! 2 sets each!!!

  • Slow negative, explode (plyo) push-ups

  • Slow negative pull-ups; step up to pull-up position, slowly lower down

10-count on the way down, then explode up (clap or push off the ground if you can)

You can go to your knees when you explode up if needed.

Halftime: Core work

(See Round 1 Halftime post for details)

30 seconds each exercise. 

  1. Plank hold

  2. Cobra stretch

  3. Plank toe-touches

  4. Downward dog

  5. Plank shoulder taps

  6. Crunches

  7. Hollow hold

  8. Bicycle crunches

  9. V-ups

  10. Flutter kicks

The 2nd Half: 1 mile run

Just what it says…Run at least one mile.

Time your run, write down your time, and try to beat it next week!!!


Week FOUR: Day 3


Week FOUR: Day 5