Week ONE: Halftime Week 1 Nov 6 Written By Adam Broughton 5 minute core training:Perform this in the middle of every workout.30 sec: Plank hold 30 sec: Cobra stretch 30 sec: Plank toe touches 30 sec: Downward dog 30 sec: Plank shoulder taps 30 sec: Crunches 30 sec: Hollow hold 30 sec: Bicycle crunches 30 sec: V-ups 30 sec: Flutter kicks Adam Broughton
Week ONE: Halftime Week 1 Nov 6 Written By Adam Broughton 5 minute core training:Perform this in the middle of every workout.30 sec: Plank hold 30 sec: Cobra stretch 30 sec: Plank toe touches 30 sec: Downward dog 30 sec: Plank shoulder taps 30 sec: Crunches 30 sec: Hollow hold 30 sec: Bicycle crunches 30 sec: V-ups 30 sec: Flutter kicks Adam Broughton