Workout splits for the beginner weightlifter.

No, not that kind of split.

By splits, I mean dividing up your workouts to hit different parts of the body. Typically, workout plans are divided into weeks where you are supposed to go to the gym 3, 4, or usually 5 days per week with the other days being rest days. 

If you’re new to weight lifting, this is probably the first workout split that you tried.

Unfortunately, this is stupid and based on how bodybuilders used to train, and not the best way to start lifting.

First of all, why would you have only 1 day/week for legs, which make up about 40% of your total body muscle, while working on only 1 muscle on Mondays???

Also, what happens if you can’t get to the gym 5 days in a week or can go 6 or 7?

If you are in your pre- or early-teens, you don’t need set gym days or specific days off. As a beginner, you need a program that is as flexible as your schedule.

That’s why all charachter basketball workout programs DON’T follow a weekly schedule.

Instead, here you will find excellent beginner workouts that progress from day 1 to day 2 without assigning a specific number of days of the week to lift. You can do these workout sequentially everyday or take a day or two off if needed.

These workouts also include beginner friendly lifts that don’t require technical training or coaching, so you do these as soon as you start the program…

…but that doesn’t mean you should try any lift that you aren’t comfortable or not sure how to do, and you should ALWAYS be supervised when using weights as you CAN get hurt dropping or misusing weights and exercise machines. (I would know as I work in an ER and have seen some very serious exercise related injuries.)

Beginner Workout Splits

  • Full-body Workouts

    I love to do these when I’m traveling or if I have a stretch of days where I haven’t worked out and am looking for a good sweat.

  • Upper/lower body Split

    Great for beginners and those who might be in-season or doing a lot of “cardio” and want to add in some weight training.

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