The “300” workouts (Full gym)

Are you ready for a program that gives you 300 reps per workout!!!

Below are 6 different workouts that you can easily implement next time you are at the gym. Most of these will need a full gym set up to complete, but you can modify these to do at home with some dumbbells and a pull-up bar.

  • Each workout has 2 rounds of 3 exercises.

  • Perform them back-to-back completing 10 reps each lift.

  • Repeat the first round of 3 lifts 5 times.

  • Round 2 also has 3 exercises, which will be 25 reps each

  • Complete the 3 lifts of round 2 for 50 total reps

Better yet, just download the spreadsheet and track your progress.

Chest and Back - 300

5 sets of 10 reps for each exercise = 150 reps

  1. Cable Rows Close-grip (1.5 reps)

  2. DB Flat Chest Flys (1.5 reps)

  3. Wide-grip Lat Pull-down (1.5 reps)

2 sets of 25 for each lift = 150 reps

  1. Cable Face Pull

  2. DB Pull-over

  3. Machine Reverse Flys

Legs - 300

Round One: 5 sets of 10 reps of all 3 lifts

  1. DB Goblet Squat

  2. Single-leg Bulgarian Split-squat R

  3. BB Hip Thrusts

Round Two: 2 sets of 25 for each lift

  1. Leg Press Machine

  2. Seated Leg Extensions

  3. Seated Leg Curls

Shoulders and Lats - 300

Round One: 5 sets of 10 reps of all 3 lifts

  1. BB Push-press

  2. Close-grip Lat Pull-down

  3. DB Arnold Shoulder Press

Round Two: 2 sets of 25 for each lift

  1. Wide-grip Lat Pull-downs

  2. Cable Lateral Raise - R & L

  3. Cable Straight-arm Pull-down

Core & Calves - 300

Round One: 5 sets of 10 reps of all 3 lifts

  1. Toes-to-bar (or reverse crunches)

  2. One-foot Smith Machine Toe-ups R & L

  3. Single-leg Toe-touch Crunches (alternating, 10x each foot)

Round Two: 2 sets of 25 for each lift

  1. Leg Press Machine or BB Toe-ups

  2. Bicycle Crunches

  3. Seated Toe-up Machine

Biceps and Triceps - 300

Round One: 5 sets of 10 reps of all 3 lifts

  1. BB Curl

  2. BB Lying Skull Crusher

  3. BB Drag Curl

Round Two: 2 sets of 25 for each lift

  1. Rope Cable Tricep push-downs

  2. Rope Cable Hammer Curl

  3. Rope Cable Overhead Tricep extension

Core & Forearms - 300

Round One: 5 sets of 10 reps of all 3 lifts

  1. Seated BB Wrist Curls

  2. Toes-to-bar (or reverse crunches)

  3. Standing Behind-the-back BB Forearm Curls

Round Two: 2 sets of 25 for each lift

  1. Crunches

  2. Seated DB Reverse Wrist Curls

  3. Bicycle Crunches


The “500” workouts (Full gym)