The Perfect Home-Gym
PPL Program
Push / Pull / Legs /
Effective warm-ups that don’t waste time.
Minimal rest times maximize gains in the shortest time.
Built-in stretches and focus on stabilizing muscle to minimize injury.
High rep ranges mean you don’t need the heaviest weights at home.
P-P-L Program
A bench with a few dumbbells (DB), a barbell (BB), a bench, and, a pull-up bar are all you need for this 3-day program. (Ok, so an exercise band might help as well)
This is designed for you to rotate through the workouts as many times a week as you like. If you only have 3 days to workout one week and get in 5 the next week, just keep rotating through the Push, Pull, Legs routines.
Don’t hold yourself back or beat yourself up for missing days. Just keep rotating through the routines.
The P-P-L Format
Whether you get to the gym 3 or 5 days a week, the push-pull-legs training split is a tried and true method for balanced, total-body training.
On a Push Day, you'll train all of your pushing muscles, such as your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
On a Pull Day, you'll train all of your pulling muscles, such as your back and biceps.
On Leg Days, you'll train all of your lower body muscles, such as your quads, hamstrings, and calves.
One drawback of this type of split is that often the core, lower back, obliques, abs, and the stabilizing muscles around the hips and shoulders. Not with this workout!
What sets this program apart is the integration of exercises for the back, hip, and shoulder stabilizers into every workout. Also included in every session, are stretch breaks that help clear lactic acid and promote joint health and a healthy range of motion.
The primary focus of these sessions is increasing strength. function, and flexibility in the “push” muscles including the chest, shoulders, and triceps (pectoralis, deltoids, triceps brachii). Push days also include bonus calf exercises that are difficult include in full leg workout.
The “pull” muscles include the “back and biceps” but this program will also promote core stability and forearm strength on these days.
The groups of muscles of the hip and thigh (glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings) are the largest and strongest on the body, yet are often neglected, except in this program.
There are many benefits to following a push-pull-legs routine. Here are a few:
Functional training: Muscles naturally function in groups, not in isolation. Training for function improves coordination, balance, and overall muscle health.
Efficient sessions and adequate recovery: By training each muscle group once every three days, there is sufficient time for rest and repair.
Versatile in volume and frequency: You can adjust the number of days you train per week, the exercises you do, and the intensity of your workouts to fit your own goals and schedule.
If you're looking for a way to build muscle strength and gain functional fitness in a flexible and efficient program, this is the at-home or full-gym routine for you. It's a simple, effective, and versatile routine that can be tailored to your individual needs.
So what does this P-P-L split look like??
Warm-up superset
External shoulder rotation (band, cable, or DB)
Max reps wide push-ups (write down reps to beat it next time!)
Chest superset
Incline BB bench press
Incline DB coffin (close-grip) chest press
Chest stretch on incline bench
Shoulders tri-set
DB lateral raise (with external shoulder rotation)
Supinated alternating DB front shoulder raise
Bent-over DB rear delt raise
Cross-arm shoulder stretch
Chest and forearms giant set
DB flat bench fly (1.5 reps)
DB flat bench chest press
DB seated forearm curls
DB reverse forearm curls
Wrist flexor/extensor stretches
Shoulders and calves giant set
BB push-press
DB Arnold shoulder press
DB partial lateral raise (heavy wt)
Behind the back shoulder stretch
1-foot calf raises w/ DB - Right
1-foot calf raises w/ DB - Left
Ankle mobility wall stretch
Triceps tri-set
DB overhead tricep extensions (French press)
DB lying skull crushers
DB lying close-grip press
DB locked out scapula protraction (serratus press)
Chest tri-set
Wide push-ups
Medium width push-ups
Close hand push-ups
Deltoid burnout drop set
DB lateral raises
Warm-up (Rest/pause set)
DB Pull-over (50 reps total)
Reverse crunches (50 reps)
Trap tri-set
Incline DB row - high (elbows out)
Incline DB row - low (elbows in)
Incline DB hang scapula retraction
Bending overhead lat stretch
Pull-up superset
Band assisted pull-ups
Hanging scapula depression
Hanging lat stretch
Posterior chain set (low back, glues, hamstrings)
DB one-leg Romanian deadlift - Right
DB one-leg Romanian deadlift - Left
Bent-over hamstring stretch
Forearms superset
DB forearm/wrist curls
DB single DB farmer’s walk - Right
DB single DB farmer’s walk - Left
Wrist flexor stretch
Back/Biceps giant-set
DB one-arm row - Right
Seated DB concentration curl - Right
DB one-arm row - Left
Seated DB concentration curl - Left
Biceps stretch
Back superset
BB one-arm row - R (Meadows Row)
BB one-arm row - L (Meadows Row)
Leaning lat stretch
Biceps superset
BB reverse curl
BB drag curl
Lat drop-set
Straight-arm cable or band pull-down
Warm-up (Rest/Pause set)
BW Walking lunges (50 reps)
Lunge stretch
Quad Superset
DB elevated foot split squat - R
DB elevated foot split squat - L
DB goblet squat
Quad stretch (foot up, lunge forward)
Glute Superset
BB Romanian deadlift
DB one-leg stiff leg deadlift - R
DB one-leg stiff leg deadlift - L
Quad stretch (foot up, lunge forward)
Legs/Abs superset
BB 1.5 rep back squat
Butterfly sit-ups
Butterfly groin stretch
Glute Giant set
BB glute bridge
1-leg glute bridge holds
Bird-dog holds
Elevated pigeon stretch
Forearm Giant set
DB farmer's walk
DB wrist curls
DB reverse wrist curls
DB slow hammer curls
Forearm stretch
Cool-down (Rest/Pause set)
BW Walking lunges (50 reps)
Lunge stretch
You will alternate between the “A” workouts and “B” workouts, each week adding volume by increasing your sets and reps.
Feel free to copy the lifts from the dropdown menus, BUT you can also copy the spreadsheet below to your own Google drive!!!
Shoulder Warm-up
External shoulder rotation (cable or DB)
DB one-arm cleans - R
DB one-arm cleans - L
Shoulder Superset
Standing BB shoulder press
DB lateral raises
Behind the back shoulder stretch
Chest/Rear delt Tri-set
BB flat bench press
DB supinated chest press
Band rear delt flys
Chest stretch
Calves/Forearms Giant set
DB one-foot calf raises - R
DB one-foot calf raises - L
DB forearm curl
DB reverse forearm curl
Wrist flexor/extensor stretch
Chest/Triceps Giant set
DB incline fly
DB incline barrel press
DB skull crushers
DB tricep kick-backs
Overhead triceps stretch
Shoulder Tri-set
DB Arnold shoulder press
DB lateral raises
DB standing abducted ext rotation
Overhead triceps
Push-ups Tri-set
Plyo push-ups (hands on bench)
Pike push-ups
Close push-ups
Core Superset
Down-dog to plank alt toe touches
Toy soldier toe-touches
Back/Abs Rest/Pause superset
DB alternating gorilla row
Jack-knife sit-ups
Cobra ab stretch
Back Superset
Wide-grip pull-ups
BB high row
Overhead lat stretch - R
Overhead lat stretch - L
Traps/Forearms SupersetSuperset
BB shrugs
DB seated wrist curls
Back/Lats Superset
BB bent-over rows
Hanging inverted rows
Back Superset
DB one-arm row - R
DB one-arm row - L
Cross-arm stretch
Biceps Tri-set
Standing DB hammer curl
Alternating DB curl
BB reverse curl
Wrist flexor/biceps (arm ext fingertip stretch)
Back/Legs Superset
DB suitcase deadlift
DB bent-over Y raises
Pigeon stretch
Hanging Superset
Toes to bar
Alternating bird dogs
50 rep Rest/pause
Face-pull cable/band
50 rep Rest/Pause
BW Step-ups
Lunge stretch
Legs Giant set
Single DB sumo squats
DB lateral lunges - R
DB lateral lunges - L
Single DB Calf raises - R
Single DB Calf raises - L
Downward dog stretch
Quad Superset
BB Front squat
BW squat jumps
Standing quad stretch
Quad/Core Tri-set
DB lateral lunges - R
DB lateral lunges - L
Hanging leg raises
Butterfly groin stretch
Glute Superset
BW one-leg glute hip thrusts - R
BW one-leg glute hip thrusts - L
Pigeon stretch - R
Pigeon stretch - L
Forearm Giant set
DB farmer's walk
DB wrist curls
DB reverse wrist curls
BB slow reverse curls
Forearm flexor stretches
50 repsRest/Pause
BW Step-ups
Lunge stretch
Feel free to copy the tracker below, or easily copy this spreadsheet by downloading The Perfect PPL from the Character Basketball store.
…and don’t forget these workouts are about more than just building muscles…
The character trait that we will focus on during this program will be Fortitude.
You will need that strength of mind to push through these workouts!