LDED: the Weight Room

After your on-court training, it’s time to hit the weights. You’ve now honed your skills and worked your legs with some plyometric drills. Now, things get real. You gotta finish your workout with some serious resistance training.

These weight room sessions are not for the weak of heart. By now, you’ve already worked up a sweat on the court. Now, you need to show that you are more committed than the average baller. Below are 7 days of weight training that you will complete AFTER you have already worked on your basketball skills.

Here, you will see an overview of the weight training for days 1-7. Remember, to keep track of your progress on the workout trackers.


  1. Strength focus - chest/biceps

  2. Metabolic overload - shoulders/forearms

  3. Drop sets - legs/lats/triceps

  4. Hypertrophy focus - upper chest/traps/shoulders

  5. Slow burn - arms/forearms

  6. Explosive strength - chest/lats 

  7. Half-Century sets - legs/core