How to build muscle…by eating

Everything you need to build muscle can be found in…food, natural, unprocessed food.

you can build huge muscles by just eating food, despite what you’ve heard.

it’s like this. Your car runs on gas right? You could go out and purchase all the individual ingredients for gas and pour them into your gas tank one of the time in your car would probably run. The thing is you’d have to get all of those components individually and in exactly the right ratio and put them in the tank so they mixed up to make your car run. That’s what food is. Food is all the stuff your body needs to grow muscle and to live. The supplement industry takes a few tiny little ingredients and tells you that you need them in order to grow muscle while those ingredients are present in healthy whole foods. You could find all of the nutrients and vitamins and minerals and buy them individually and take them while spending a ton of money and having no idea how much of each you need or you can eat food. Food amazingly enough, has a balance of nutrients and minerals to help your body grow. Now, you might say you’re not just any car. You are a Formula One race car. Well, Formula One race cars might use premium fuel, but I can guarantee you that they don’t mix their own gas before each race. But don’t they run faster when they add certain additives to their fuel? sure. By adding a supplement or an additive, you might run 1% faster at best but what your body primarily needs is food. The supplement industry tells you that you need certain key elements in your diet and that’s true if you weren’t eating food that had those nutrients in it already. taking supplements might add to your muscle growth if for some reason your diet is not sufficient to grow muscles. That scenario, however, is pretty rare. Most teenagers have a relatively normal diet and consume meats and dairy and eggs and fruits and vegetables, regularly, all of which have a deponents that you need to build muscle. the supplement industry will tell you that you need other add it is to your diet, which is only true if you are deficient in those areas. By large, adding supplements to your diet or workout routine, will not increase your muscle growth at all and at best might improve your performance, and or your growth by perhaps a few percentage appoints. All that being said, I know that teenagers want every possible advantage, even if it is only 1% improvement so I will let you know which supplements are safe and could possibly help you.


Quadratus Lumborum


Podcast recommendation - Protein