Day 3: Arnold Double/Splits
Embrace the suck.
AM - Chest & Back
Warm-up: Cable external rotation, Cable Face-pulls
Superset 1:
Flat DB bench press
Bent-over DB row - R & L
Superset 2:
Incline BB Bench Press
DB Close-grip (Hex) Incline Press
Drop set: Go to failure, drop the weight, repeat
Seated Close-grip Cable Rows
Superset 4:
Cable Chest Flys Low-to-high
Straight-arm Lat Pull-down
PM - Legs, Calves, Abs
Superset 1:
BB Front Squat
DB Step-back Lunge - R & L
Single set: 8-12 reps (slow down, explode up)
Hex-bar (or DB) Deadlift - It is very important to get the form down for these lifts to avoid back injury
Low back work (see GIFs below): 10 reps for each
Bird dog - alternating opposite arm/leg from all four position (L then R = 1 rep)
Plank on elbows with twist - rotate hips side to side (L then R = 1 rep)
Prone back extensions - lying facedown, lift arms and legs off the ground
Reverse snow angel - just what it sounds like, lie prone, lift arms and legs, make a “snow angel”
Optional Plyometric Superset: 10 reps
Box drops - step off box, land on 2 feet softly
Box depth jumps - step off, land softly, immediately jump as high as you can.