Off-season 2-a-days

The season is over. It’s time to hit it — hard. It’s time for 2-a-days. One workout in the morning, one in the afternoon.

Who better to follow in this insane workout plan than the man himself, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. While his workouts are well publicized, and clearly successful for a bodybuilder, I have made some modifications appropriate for teenage athletes. Primarily, I have added in warm-up exercises to avoid injury, as well as some higher rep ranges that will better prepare you for 32 minute games, rather than flexing in front of an audience for 5 min.

Of course, you need to understand the basic premise of this workout plan:

You need to lift TWICE a day.

That might sound simple, but for a teenager going to school, practice, and more; it might not be that easy. When Arnold did this legendary workout, he was literally living in a gym. Yup, he slept in a storage closet attached to the gym where he was working at the time. Now, that’s not just luck. This was the only place he could afford when he first moved to the U.S., and it shows the dedication that he had toward the sport of bodybuilding.

Point being, if you can’t make it to the gym twice a day, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just trying to follow this workout program takes a special level of commitment and dedication.

Days 1, 3, 5

  • AM – Chest, back

  • PM – Legs, calves, abs

Days 2, 4, 6

  • AM – Shoulders, triceps, biceps

  • PM – Calves, abs

Day 7

  • Rest

Pretty easy, right? Yeah, right.

Easier said than done. If you miss a workout, don’t worry. Keep going. You can do it.


Days 1: Arnold Double/Splits