PG Skills - Day 1
Character trait of the day: Discipline.
Playing the point requires strength, speed, endurance, and skills. These skill sessions will include strength and conditioning exercises as well as drills to hone your on-court skills.
The Warm-up:
Ball overhead squats x10
Side lunge ball wrap around - Right x10
Side lunge ball wrap around - Left x10
Ball-to-ground squat jumps x10
Ball push-ups (alternating hands like the image below) x10
Ball plank 30 sec
Dribble sit-ups - Left-hand x10
Dribble sit-ups - Right-hand x10
Ball overhead lunge jumps x20
Basketball in hand burpees x20
Dribbling drills:
Grab a stopwatch and switch every 30 sec or 25 dribbles
Stationary dribbling, head up, 30 sec or 25 dibbles, then switch hands
High pounds - R/L hand
Low pounds - R/L hand
Crossover - Wide/Narrow
V dribble - side to side, forward-back w/ R/L hand
Hang/hesi/pocket dribble
Dribbling while walking forward to half-court
Crossover, BTL combo
Cross, BTB combo
Cross, V-dribble combo
Cross, BTL, BTB comdination
Finishing drills
One-hand finishes - dribble around the key from L block to L elbow to R elbow to R lay-up all with R-hand. Do the opposite with L-hand.
Mikan and reverse Mikan drill
Shooting drills
Form shooting: 5’, 10’, 15’
Elbow curl (catch and shoot or dribble and shoot)
If you have a defender, practice handling the ball against pressure using drills from the video below.
Take the ball to half-court against a defender.
Dribble to half-court against a defender in as few dribbles as possible.
Dribble to half-court with back to defender.
Practice the hang/hesi/pocket dribble with crossovers.
Practice turning into the defender from a back-to-defense position (+1 pt for each turn)