PG Skills - Day 2
Don’t forget the character-trait-of-the-day!
Today we build on the skills from the last practice to continue to improve your handle, while adding in some new finishing drills to improve your scoring in the paint.
The Warm-up: Same as last session
Ball overhead squats x10
Side lunge ball wrap around - Right x10
Side lunge ball wrap around - Left x10
Ball-to-ground squat jumps x10
Ball push-ups x10
Ball plank 30 sec
Dribble sit-ups - Left-hand x10
Dribble sit-ups - Right-hand x10
Ball overhead lunge jumps x20
Basketball in hand burpees x20
Dribbling drills
Stationary dribbling, head up, 30 sec per move, then switch hands
High pounds - R/L hand
Low pounds - R/L hand
Crossover - Wide/Narrow
V dribble - side to side, forward-back w/ R/L hand
Hang/hesi/pocket dribble
Dribbling while walking forward to half-court
Crossover, BTL combo
Cross, BTB combo
Cross, BTL, BTB comdination
Finishing drills
One-hand finishes - dribble around the key from L block to L elbow to R elbow to R lay-up all with R-hand. Do the opposite with L-hand.
Mikan and reverse Mikan drill
Goofy/awkward lay-ups - R and L-hand
Wrong foot
Inside hand
Scoop lay-up
Middle finish reaching to the side
Finishing against a defender (if possible), start at R elbow - make 2 in a row
Outside foot, outside hand w/ defender on hip
Swerve finish - bump defender towards middle then finish on both sides
Runner - one-foot jump
Circle under the hoop reverse lay-up
Repeat from the opposite elbow
Shooting drills
Form shooting: 5’, 10’, 15’
Elbow curl (catch and shoot or dribble and shoot)