Post Move: Up and under

The up-and-under post move is one of the best ways to humiliate a shot blocker.

In fact, the better the shot blocker, the more likely they are to fall for this fake.

Your footwork needs to be on point, or HS refs might call you for traveling.

The up-and-under should be done like this:

  • Going towards the hoop, jump stop on 2 feet.

  • Pump-fake getting your eyes up on the rim with 2 hands keeping your feet planted.

  • On the fake, your man should leave their feet to go for the block (if not, you can go back up for a jump-hook).

  • When the defender rises up, step through putting your defender on your back.

  • You can lift your back pivot-foot to make the lay-up.


Post Moves: Drop-step Series


Post Moves: Reverse Pivot Rip-through