Part C: Weightlifting
Every day ends with resistance training in the weight room.
Day 1: Strength Focus - Chest & Biceps
Modified cable flys
Face pulls
Cable rope curls - arms in front
BB bench press
5 rep pyramid set
Pin press
BB curls - 21s
One-arm alternating DB slight incline press
Reverse crunches
Cable face pulls
One arm preacher curls
Day 2: Metabolic Overload - Shoulders & forearms
Modified cable lateral raises
Int/ext cable shoulder rotators
BB push press
DB forearm curls
DB Arnold press w/ heavy lat raise
Reverse wrist curls
DB rear delt
Day 3: Drop Sets - Legs, Lats, & Traps
One-leg machine press drop
Leg extensions drop
Leg curls drop
Glute kick-back drop
Lat pull-down drop
Triceps trifecta
KB anterior tibialis dorsiflexion
Leg press with band around knees to engage glutes
Day 4: Hypertrophy Focus - Upper chest, Traps, & Shoulders
Low to high cable chest flys
Low to high cable reverse flys
Smith machine incline press - 1.5 reps
Leaning DB shrugs 1.5 reps
High incline shoulder press - slow negatives
Incline chest supported DB rows + shrug burnout
Slight incline DB chest press (explode up, down slow)
Seated cable row (both arms pull, one-hand negative down)
Day 5: Slow burn - Arms (shoulders, biceps, triceps, & forearms)
Front/lateral/rear delt raises - hold at top, slowly lower down
BB Triceps triple set - French press, skull crushers, close-grip press
Reverse forearm curls
BB Biceps triple set - Full curl, partial curl (top), partial curl (top)
Forearm curls
Machine shoulder press drop set
KB one-arm swings R & L
Day 6: Explosive Strength - Chest & Lats
Plyo Push-ups and Pull-ups superset
Chest press machine - explode up, slow down
Machine row (close-grip) - contract hard, lower slowly
BB Bench press (pin press)
Cable seated row drop set
Alternating one-arm DB slight-incline bench press
One-arm cable row R & L
Day 7: Half-Century sets - Legs & Core
50 reps each (rest/pause sets)
Machine leg extensions
Machine leg curls
Machine calf-raises
50 BW walking lunges
100 rep core workout
Straight leg sit-ups x 20 reps
Elbow to opposite knee x 20
Reverse crunches x 20
Side-to-side toe-touches x 20
V-ups x 20
25-50 low back extensions STOP Doing Back Extensions Like This!