Daily Vertical Leap Training

Here are 4 quick routines that you can do at home or at the gym in addition to your regular training to add inches to your vertical.

  • Body weight (BW) only routine - just need a jump rope and some room to do lunges and jumps

  • Plyometrics box day - involves box jumps (obviously)

  • Gym day 1 - a challenging routine that includes Barbells (BB) and Dumbbells (DB)

  • Gym day 2 - even more challenging and will include some super-max effort lifts (only perform a quarter of the rep, so you can use heavier weights).

Each workout also includes stretch breaks.

Don’t skip the stretches!!!

Not only will stretching help prevent injuries, it is also necessary to achieve a higher vertical. Poor flexibility means that you cannot fully load up the joints for explosive movements.

On to the workouts…*

*remember you can do these before or after your workout, practice, or on an off day multiple times a week. Just listen to your body - being sore is good, not being able to walk is bad.

Download all the workouts to your phone!!!

Body weight only routine:

Round One - 20-30 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. Standing BW 2-foot Toe-ups

  2. Deep BW Squats (hold at bottom)

  3. Reverse Lunge - R & L

  4. One-foot Line-jumps (calves) - R & L

  5. Knee-to-wall calf stretch - R &L

Round Two: 10-15 reps

  1. 1.5 Squat-Jumps

  2. Jump Lunges

  3. Lunge stretch - R & L leg

Round Three: 15-20 reps

  1. BW Romanian Deadlift - R & L

  2. Bent-over hamstring stretch

  3. Deep squat stretch

  4. Max-effort 1/4 Squat Jumps

Plyometric Box Training:

Round One - 20-30 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. Step-ups - R & L

  2. Deep Squat Jump onto the box

  3. Step off box - 2-foot Soft Landing

  4. Broad-jump into Jump up onto box

  5. Depth Jumps

  6. Knee-to-wall calf stretch - R & L

Round Two - 10-15 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. 2-foot approach jumps - R, L

  2. 2-foot approach jumps - L, R

  3. Lunge stretch - R & L leg

  4. Approach 1-foot jumps - R

  5. Approach 1-foot jumps - L

  6. Bent-over hamstring stretch

  7. Deep squat stretch

  8. Max-effort 1/4 Squat Jumps

Gym Day 1:

Round One - 20-30 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. Smith Machine 2-foot Toe-ups

  2. BB Deep Squats

  3. BB Reverse Lunge - R & L

  4. Lunge stretch - R & L leg

Round Two - 10-15 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. DB Goblet Squats

  2. 1-arm DB Clean - R & L

  3. 1 DB Step-ups - R & L

  4. Deep squat stretch

Round Three - 15-20 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. 2 DB Bulgarian Split Squats - R & L

  2. Bent-over hamstring stretch

  3. Seated Calf-raises

  4. Downward dog calf stretch

Gym Day 2:

Round One - 20-30 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. Leg-press Machine 2-foot Toe-ups

  2. Leg-press

  3. Super-max Leg-press (1/4 reps)

  4. Quad stretch - R & L leg

Round Two - 10-15 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. BB Back Squats

  2. Super-max BB Squat (1/4 reps)

  3. Pigeon stretch - R & L

Round Three - 15-20 reps (30 sec stretches)

  1. BB Hip Thrusts

  2. Back extensions (glute focus)

  3. Hamstring stretch

  4. Smith Machine 1-foot Toe-ups - R & L

  5. Calf stretch - R & L


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