P-P-L Split?
Great points in this video :
May be beneficial to switch the order to pull-push-legs or push-legs-pull.
The flexibility of the PPL split allows for sport-specific training in between strength-training days.
Great functional workouts using (synergistic) muscles that normally work together.
Good to add “correctional” exercises into the program like a face-pull before bench press to remind you to keep scapula back and stable during the press.
Deadlift on pull day is great for muscle synergy and adding leg volume.
Even better benefits from my PPL plan:
Limited rest. By using supersets (and giant-sets), there is greater time-under-tension, which will lead to greater gains in size and strength while keeping the workout length short (and very efficient).
Designed for athletes. This program incorporates lifts that require coordination of muscles and balance which translates better to the field and court performance.
Stabilizers strengthened. Before and during complex movements sets, rotator cuff, hip rotators, and other stabilizers are specifically targeted to reduce the risk of injury which is often to these smaller muscles.
Focus on big-movers, not “show” muscles. Big biceps are rarely an advantage in competitive team sports where games don’t stop for “gun shows” or bicep curls.
Stretches between sets. This not only improves range of motion which decrease risk of injury, stretching also helps clear lactic acid to lead to quicker re