Post Workout 1: Low Post
Character trait of the day: Dedication
Dedication is pushing yourself past your limits every day during practice, and then pushing yourself even further by putting in extra work beyond your teammates, coaches, opposition, and everyone else who doesn’t see true potential.
Jump-hook, Drop-step, Up-and-under
It would be great to have a passer and a defender, but it’s not necessary to practice this footwork. You can spin the ball to yourself and go game speed with these drills.
Workout 1
Set 1: Practice footwork by stepping inside foot into the paint then step with outside foot and jump off of 2 feet with shoulder into defender shielding shot.
Jump hook middle from right block x 5 makes
Jump hook middle from left block x 5 makes
Notice how the drills build on each other, alternating with the jump hook, so that you learn the footwork for both shots and can use the best move according to how the defense plays.
Set 2 - Repeat jump hook, followed by a drop-step baseline. Same footwork for jump hook. The drop step should be a pivot on your inside foot, putting defender on back as you pivot 180 degrees to baseline to get opposite hand lay-up.
From R block - step middle for jump hook as before, then step middle as if going up for a jump hook and perform a baseline drop-step x 5 makes each shot
From L block - step middle for jump hook, the step middle, baseline drop-step x 5 makes each shot
Set 3 - Jump hook fake, then up-and-under with a step-through pivot.
From R block - step middle and jump stop for a jump hook pumpfake, step-through pivot on low foot and jump off 2 feet for opposite hand lay-in (technically, you should be allowed to lift that pivot foot, but HS refs might call it a travel). Make a jump hook, then an up-and-under x 5.
From L block - make a jump hook with good footwork, then make an up-and-under with a good shot fake and solid step-through pivot, 2 foot jump, lay-up.
For workout 1, you will have completed 50 makes in total!
Keep track of your progress…