Crossover workout

Don’t be fooled by the title. This is essential for players of any age because the details involved in the high vs low cross and the foot work are essential to become elite. It takes many repetitions to get this hand and foot work down. Players need to master the hang technique without carrying the ball. You will also be challenged with different types of finishes, not just your standard easy lay-up. Always push your limits when you’re practicing.

The drills:

  1. Wide feet, rocking on inside sole, crossovers

  2. High cross over a cone series

    • High right

    • High left

    • High right to low cross

    • High left to low cross

  3. Crossover with 2 step work - jump, cross, 2 steps, next dribble: going to right and left

  4. Crossover with finish both hands

  5. Footwork - quick right/left step, shoulders going left, cross; practice to opposite side as well


IT teaches “the hop”


Combo cross-over moves