Basketball skills and weight training advice and programs for teens.


with purpose


There is a LOT of misinformation and myths about weight training, passed down by many well-intentioned coaches, trainers, and gym buddies.

I should know, I once was one! That was before I got a degree in kinesiology and became a personal trainer and coach.

But, NOTHING bothered me more than my own kids coming home from the gym with the same, old, and false BRO-SCIENCE.

That is why I created this site…

to write training programs for my own teens, 

and now they are available for your growing, teen athletes.

Free Workout //

Free Workout //

Click on the Blog Posts to the left to gain confidence and size with the “Work Out Like a Machine” series.

This new workout is for beginners and experienced lifters, utilizing common exercise machines found in nearly every gym.

Learn new lifting techniques while gaining self-confidence in this program.

How to use this site…

ALL the advice on this site is FREE, including all tutorials, advice, instruction, and program content. 

I just ask that you pay ($5) for my workout tracking spreadsheets available for both my lifting programs and skills training.

Tracking you progress is one of the keys to success in the weight room and on the court. It doesn’t matter how many videos you watch or advice you read only, it’s only hard work and strength of character to consistently put in the reps that will lead to gains  speed, strength, and skill.

Training Programs

  • Weight Lifting Programs

    These are designed for teen athletes looking to safely gain size and strength in the weight room or at a home gym. Record your weights and reps to ensure continued progress in the gym.

  • Basketball Skills Training Programs

    Train your skills the way you train your muscle, with prescribed sets and reps to develop and hone your on-court skills. Track your progress with custom, downloadable spreadsheets.

Meet Coach Adam

Character Basketball training is about developing the individual as a whole through strength, speed, and skill training that also focuses on the development of strong character traits - respect, honesty, loyalty, and the value of hard work.

  • As a coach, trainer, and teacher I have had many inspirations throughout my life from the great coaches in history to my own coaches who taught me many valuable lessons over my life.

  • A college athlete, now coach, I have also been a certified personal trainer with a degree in kinesiology. I now work in medicine and continue to have a passion for sports and weight training.