The Character Basketball
Below you will find all my blog posts categorized according to topic so that you can explore ways to…
Learn new drills to improve your on-court skills.
Improve your mental game by learning techniques and strategies to succeed not just on the court but in life.
Learn about your body and the muscles that you are working out as well as the language of weight training.
…and for coaches and parents, lessons learned and thoughts on the game that I love and how to include character training in your life and playbook.
Basketball Skills Blog
Drills, workouts, and pointers to improve your basketball skills. Also, will explain basketball-specific terms such as the post-up, screen-and-roll, and more
Brain Training:
Thoughts on life, basketball, working out, etc.
Character is the foundation on which success is built
It all begins with an idea.
Lifting Lingo:
Short posts explaining common terms used in weight lifting programs such as reps, sets, and more.
Muscle Memory:
A fun way to learn about your muscular anatomy and physiology that can help you ace your next bio test and will inform and improve the way you train.